We work very hard to ensure that we offer the best prices online. If you find another legitimate online store that offers a lower prices on an identical item we stock (including shipping, tax, etc), we will match the competitor's price and provide superior customer service.
Please give us a call, email, or live chat with the price and link to the product.
**We DO NOT price match with large retailers such as Home Depot, Sams Club, Costco, Ebay, etc.**
**We will not match pricing on products being sold under Minimum Advertising Price guidelines**
- Promotions such as rebates and buy one, get one free offer are not eligible
- The item must be in stock on the competitors' website
- The competitor must be an online store, they may not have a retail location
- The website can not be a discounter or auction website (ie; eBay, overstock, etc..)
- The competitor must be an Authorized Retailer of the product in question, and must not be violating advertising price agreements with the manufacturer
- The Price Match Guarantee includes the item price and the shipping charges, it excludes sales tax
There may be brands excluded from that offer. Please contact us for further information.