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13 Finishes Available

Stanley Coastal Living 5 O'Clock Somewhere Bar Stool
Price: $399.00
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13 Finishes Available

Stanley Coastal Living 5 O'Clock Somewhere Counter Stool
Price: $349.00
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4 Finishes Available

Stanley Coastal Living Woven Bar Stool
Price: $529.00
Free Shipping

4 Finishes Available

Stanley Coastal Living Woven Counter Stool
Price: $529.00
Free Shipping
Results: 1 - 4 of 4 Page:  [1]
Coastal Living by Stanley Furniture
Stanley Furniture Company, Inc. began in 1924 with a visionary dairy farmer named Thomas B. Stanley. The company went on to have such an impact in the industry, that the town in West Virginia where it all started was later named Stanleytown. The vision of Thomas Stanley was the same vision the company has had ever since---to create furniture of superior craftsmanship, style, and value, and to positively impact the lives and future of their customers, associates, shareholders, and partners. Today, Stanley Furniture Company is known for creating timeless furniture that is practical, beautiful and stays relevant even as your taste and lifestyle change. And best of all, it’s crafted with pride in America.